
Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Membuat Mail Merge Pada Microsoft Office Word 2007

Mail Merge adalah fasilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk keperluan pengiriman surat massal yang dapat dicetak secara otomatis berurutan berdasarkan data source yang kita inginkan. Sebagai contoh misalkan pada suatu instansi ingin mengirimkan surat undangan dengan penerima lebih dari 100 (seratus) penerima, maka instansi tersebut bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas mail merge untuk meminimalis tenaga penulisan secara manual.
Apabila dilain waktu terdapat kesulitan, silahkan layangkan email ke atau ke
Contoh : Pastikan anda telah memiliki master surat serta rancangan database sebagai berikut :
No. Surat Nama Jabatan Alamat Kota
0023/SB/D/2010 Sukur Soedrajat Camat Jl. Jend. Sudirman 12 Prabumulih
0024/SB/D/2010 Reza Novalino Kepala Desa Jl. Jend. Sudirman 13 Prabumulih
0025/SB/D/2010 Wafa Gunawan Ketua Rt Jl. Jend. Sudirman 14 Prabumulih
0026/SB/D/2010 Indah Melati Ketua PKK Jl. Jend. Sudirman 15 Prabumulih
0027/SB/D/2010 Revi Lanovia Ka. Karang Taruna Jl. Jend. Sudirman 16 Prabumulih
Langkah 1
Langkah pertama bukalah file master surat yang digunakan dan klik pada Menu Maillings > Start Mail Merge > Letters.
Langkah 2
Selanjutnya klik Select Recipient dan pilih Type New List, seperti gambar dibawah ini :
Langkah 3
Pada jendela yang tampil klik Customize Columns, untuk memodifikasi field data source.
Langkah 4
Selanjutnya hapus semua field yang tidak digunakan dengan menekan tombol delete.
Langkah 5
Setelah semua field terhapus tambahkan field baru dengan menekan tombol add, seperti gambar berikut.
Langkah 6
Selanjutnya isikan data sesuai dengan keperluan pada setiap baris yang tersedia.
Langkah 7
Setelah semua data selesai dimasukkan tekan tombol OK dan simpan database tersebut satu folder dengan master surat, hal ini dilakukan untuk mempermudah jika dikemudian hari kita akan menggunakanya lagi dan mail merge akan terus berjalan.
Langkah 8
Selanjutnya untuk memasukkan data dari database, letakkan kursor dimana kita akan menempatkan data dan klik pada menu Insert Mail Merge > Klik kategori Field yang di inginkan.
Langkah 9
Langkah terakhir untuk melihat hasilnya klik Preview Result dan gunakan navigasi tombol next dan previous untuk melihat hasil data satu persatu.

Langkah 10
Selanjutnya untuk mencetak hasil surat yang menggunakan mail merge, klik menu Finish & Merge > Print Document, pilih all untuk mencetak keseluruhan data berdasarkan urutan di database.
Note : Selain langkah yang telah dijelaskan diatas yaitu dengan memilih type new list (langkah 2), kita juga bisa menggunakan langkah dengan memilih use existing list, yaitu memilih data source yang telah kita buat sebelumnya, jika anda memilih menggunakan cara ini, sebelumnya anda harus membuat tabel data source nya terlebih dahulu melalui microsoft office excel dan menyimpanya satu folder dengan master surat induk. Langkah ini lebih mudah anda lakukan dan untuk memasukkan data anda bisa mengulangi langkah diatas pada langkah ke-8 sampai selesai.


Jakarta Story

Tempat Ku lahir ...
Penuh Derita...
Dan Ceritaa ...
Jakarta, Dan Rasakan Pedihnya Hidup Sendiri
Jakarta, Dan Rasakan Sakit ditinggal Sendiri, Terjatuh
Jakarta penuh dengan benci, penuh dengan deritanya
Jakarta Takan pernah Kembali seperti dulu ....
Sejauh ku melangkahkan kakiku, terasa hampa dan kosong di jiwaku terjatuh.

Take Your Foot Out Of My Door

i can't breath it painless that's why i called you're murderer you're a liar
spread your mind despite your wrong wiht your eyes destroy my world with your hands dear
my friends i see you in hell
emotions screaming through my mind this pain inside is breaking out
i cannot take this much much more you'd better fade away from me
just give all you wish to give take your foot out of my door
this hatred is controlling me i'm gonna break through all of lock your door
keep your key ondine's curse please breathe in
hold your breathe hold your breathe now!
emotions screaming through my mind this pain inside is breaking out
i cannot take this much much more you'de better fade away from me
just give all you wish to give take your foot out of my door
this hatred is controlling me, im gonna break through all of it
my emotions... inside my mind.... kill me... inside this... you're broken
you're breaking me! i'm still screaming in my mind this pain inside is breaking out
i cannot take this much much more you'de better fade away from me
take your foot out of my door....

I'm Not Your Gameboy

This is the time to take it all back it's mine
to take back what's not yours i'm not your gameboy
sink stay shy do your showmance don't speak even whisper deceive me with your lies
you're alone left for dead open your eyes it's the end of your time
i refuse to believe anything you says to me my friend you're not my friend anymore
taking this stage to your mind laying back on your throne of lies
playing me like i'm just a game showing off like you are the king
you can't change your past with all heartache and pain it feels like i've fallen from the sky like the rain
it's like you're my fire, a burning light they looked backward again and said goodbye
go away! now yu say you are lonely now, you say you are lonely now
i have won the things that you've stole from me i'm taking back what is mine things will never be the same

Hello I'm A Humaneater

hey there, see me right here
i'm not an illusion i've got something to say shut up and listen
you've picked a wrong way out by turning back from me
you've choose a dead man's path by living with your mouth
play insane to cover up your lies now it's my time to say the word
hello there nice to meet you man you'll meet your end right here and now
i'll wipe the smile that you have fake, yeah go home now before you die!
just a lie, you're a big fat liar come and see, what's waiting for you take a look
inside that mirror is it you, or somebody else
it's me, riding your pain! jus lie.....!!

Grandma's Farewell Party



OH! it's four years ago
YOUR! grave full of tears
MY! beloved grandma
I! hope it will be end

kneel down on me
don't runaway for the things you have left for me
CRYING ALONE! falling away

Oh Yeahhhhhh !

Oh, it's so four years ago
Your grave full of tears

Why'd you run awayyyyyyy ..

BREATHE! you are the brat
BREATHE! i am the dork
YO! look what we hear
WE! got nothing more


kneel down on me
don't runaway for the things you have left FOR ME
CRYING ALONE! falling away

kneel down on me (KNEEL DOWN ON ME) don't run away


The Bandwith Has Stole My COnversation

Cry, that's all that you can do! i'll find away right now!
find a way inside, to take you down, i'll find a way breaking through the walls that you have made for me!
hiding inside, running away, burning your page to the end!
lost, in your eyes, breathing so hard to stay alive!
you're breathing so hard to stay alive! alive!
die, inside your head, inside you, die inside my head, inside me
die, inside your head, inside you, die inside my head, inside me
i've found a reason to let you down...
into your sorrow...
you've found a reason to meet your.. DOOM!!
crawling away from me! sleeping away from me!
run for you life right now look at yourself you're full of doom
i've found a reason to end your life...
i've found a reason to break your walls
hiding inside, runing away, burning your page to the end!

Highschool musical will kill your dog

slut!... i eat breakfast with barehand on saturday,
i ran to bathroom with barefoot yesterday
hide inside my soul tonight
move your heart please don't go now she will lead you to your fuckin death
i'll take the risk and never look back
through storms we reach the red shorei look into the mirror and see the devil smile
sometimes she cries at night and combing her long black hair
she and i are like two vip party guests waiting for an excuse to part with nothing left to say
i eat breakfast with barehand on saturday
i ran to bathroom with barefoot yesterday
i picked out notes that sounded like a heavy sign of sorrow
waiting to an empty sky
i saw the daughter's smiling back at me
she sings of their loved ones who have washed ashore bye for now, bye for now
highschool musical will kill your dog

untuk DOWNLOAD semua lagu THIRTEEN  ->
  1. Album It's All About Party Music And Friendship
  2. Single 2009
  3. Single 2010

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

The Dramma - Andai Saja Pos Udara Sampai Surga (lyric)

ada satu hal yang mungkin kau lewati
meski kini semua tlah terbang tinggi
yang hilang terbawa hangat mentari
dan hari telah berganti

sempat terpikir untuk beranjak pergi
meninggalkan hati yang kumiliki
menahan perih dan berlari
kau tetap menunggu

aku terlatih untuk menjadi duri
meski kadang terguncang aku tetap
memiliki hati untuk memuja
memuja dirinya yang telah

* memiliki tangisan yang sungguh indah
suatu saat bermimpi hidup bersama dirinya
selesaikan lukisanku agar aku
dapat mati dengan berwarna

andai saja pos udara sampai surga
mungkin aku tak perlu mengejarnya
kupinjamkan mimpiku tuk sementara
dan hati telah berganti

sekuat hati aku mencoba
mengejar tangis yang kutinggalkan
kulepaskan hitam yang mengikat
mati dengan berawarna

dengan berwarna